Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Question and Answer-Project Managment

Project Management
1-    What are the difference between Project and Project Management?
Project: A unique set of coordinated activities, with definite starting and finishing points, undertaken by an individual or team to meet specific objectives within defined time, cost and performance. We can consider a project as an achievement of one or many specific objective, it have suggest that there is an orientation towards higher and long term –goal.
Project Management: Project management refers to the definition and planning and then subsequent management, and conclusion of the project. It suggest a shorter term and more specific context for success. Project Management is the acting of controlling the Project. Management control over: cost, time, quality

How to get a Better Life

Getting to know our body first 

How to get to know our body
Get to Know Our Body

 Our body comprises many parts such as hair, body hair, nail, teeth, and skin, and internal organs like the liver, intestines, stomach, lungs, spleen, and the heart. In fact, all these body parts are a part of nature which together form a "body" to house our mind. Our body is tiny at birth and grows bigger as a result of consuming food from nature such as vegetables, fruits, duck, chicken, pork, and fish. As we grow older, the body will start to show signs of deterioration to the point that our organs and nerves start to malfunction. Then the mind will need to find a new body and release the body back to the nature. When you understand this cycle, why do you need to give so much care to your body? It is only and instrument of the mind. Nevertheless, one is responsible for maintaining the health of our mental capacity as well as our bodies throughout the duration of our lifetime to ensure that the mind is able to archive it fullest potential. 

Four Primary Elements
Four Primary Elements

 I like the ancient school of thought that explains how life consists of Four Primary Elements, which are Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire. Earth refers to the solid parts of our body, and the remainder, accounting for approximately 70%, is Water. Wind is the air that we breathe in. To see whether our body contains air, try to concentrate on standing still; one can feel that the body is swaying as a result of the Wind within us. If one cannot feel the movement, it is because one's mind is not focused enough. Lastly, Fire refers to any form of energy that offers heat to our bodies. The warmth that we feel within us is a result of Fire. The ancients believed that if we can maintain the balance of these Four Primary Elements, we will not have any illness. The rule of thumb is to add whichever element is lacking, and remove whichever element is excessive. For example, if one has diarrhea which results in excessive loss of water and minerals, one must replenish these losses. That is why if one loses one liter of water, one must drink one liter of water more. 

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Thank you Guys for reading this :). 

What is Life?

Our life comprise two major components, which are material and abstract. The material component refers our body, which can be perceived through the five senses. The abstract  part of life refers to the mind, which is indeed intangible but undeniably exists within our body. As long as the material and abstract component are bound together, life continues. It is our luck to have an opportunity to learn more about the material and abstract parts of our life, before they part with one another!
As you get to learn more about the fundamental truths about life, you will appreciate how lucky you are to be born human and that you should make the most of your life by constantly working towards self-development.

As a scientist, life is a relationship between substance and energy. Our body is a substance which is a tool used by the mind (which is a source of energy). When our bodies and mind work together in harmony, life is peaceful, but when they are in disharmony, peace will elude us.
Interestingly, most people are only familiar with physical exercise, but not mental exercise. It seem that mental exercise is simply forgotten and the mind becomes vulnerable. With that, unavoidable disharmony that arises between the body and mind will lead to a problematic life.

Therefore, it is critical to gain a thorough understanding about life and self-development to strike a balance between the body and mind. When there is harmony, the mind would instruct wholesome, beneficial behavior to the body and the fruit of such actions is inevitably happiness.


Better Life



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Hello everyone! 
My name Tiffany from Cambodia.
I love reading and discover new things.
I also love to share all I have found necessary for life and changing our useless habit.
I want all of us become Millionaire .
Please become Millionaire all together and get a better life. 
Thank You! :)

Business Idea

How to Become a Millionaire

Do You Have Any of These 10 Traits of Self-Made Millionaires? 


What are the first words that come to mind when you think of a self-made millionaire? Lavish? Materialistic? Arrogant? You may be pleasantly surprised how different the reality is from the misconceived perceptions that many people have of these seven-figure net worth individuals. Not only that, but my book What Self-Made Millionaires Do That People Don't, based on interviews with 30 individuals who created their seven-figure net worth from scratch as well as my own experiences, shows that anyone has what it takes to achieve this status. As Andy Hidalgo, chairman and CEO of H/Cell Energy Corporation and one of the self-made millionaires featured in the book, likes to say, "You can do it. You just have to want it." Haughty, humble or nice? Many self-made millionaires came from nothing. Some were forced to go to bed hungry. Some ate out of dumpsters growing up. Others thought they were lucky if they received an orange and pair of socks on Christmas Eve from old St. Nick. . 
1. They know the definition of sweat equity. These self-made individuals work for everything they have. It takes some of them a lifetime to achieve success. They are never too proud to do menial tasks to earn money, whether it be sweeping floors or selling popcorn. 
2. They delay short-term gratification. While others are living a charmed life, these self-made millionaires in the making delay short-term gratification. They do this by working two or more jobs, saving rather than spending and not worrying about impressing others. Instead, they keep their eye on their bull's-eye -- financial freedom. 
3. They give "hand-ups" rather than "handouts." They teach others to fish rather than giving them the fish. They do this by employing others so that they, too, can develop a strong work ethic. Many of these self-made millionaires instill the confidence and know-how in others to begin their own businesses.